• KSCRS 2024
  • Guideline for Abstract Submission

Guideline for Abstract Submission

The KSCRS 2024 Organizing Committee cordially invites you to submit abstracts for Free Paper / Free Video Session presentations. Abstract submission does not constitute registration for the congress and presenters are required to register for the conference separately. Please read the guidelines carefully before submitting your abstract.

All abstracts must be uploaded on the On-line Submission System by May 31 (Fri), 2024.Fax and e-mail submissions will not be accepted.
For any inquiries, please contact the Korean Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (KSCRS) via e-mail (KSCRS@kscrs.org / jyjomtl@naver.com)

Important Dates

  • Abstract Submission Deadline: May 31, 2024
  • Notification of Acceptance: June 14, 2024

For any questions regarding abstract submission, please contact the secretariat (KSCRS@kscrs.org / jyjomtl@naver.com).

  • Free Paper / Free Video Session 발표 공모 신청 및 초록제출은 5월 31일(금)까지이며, 아래 버튼을 통해 접수하실 수 있습니다.
  • 공모가 종료된 후, 심사를 통해 발표선정을 하며 선정이 되신 연자선생님께 개별로 연락드릴 예정입니다.

Steps for Abstract Submission

  • Step 1 Click the Abstract Submission button
  • Step 2 Fill out Participant Info
  • Step 3 Fill out Abstract under 600 words
  • Step 4 Submission until May 31, 2024

The abstract submission site works best using a PC with Modern browsers with latest versions.
The site is not designed for use with older version browser (ex : Internet Explorer).

Guide to Presentation Types

Authors may choose their presentation preference. And the scientific committee will review for final session assignment.

Free Paper Session Presentation

Type Overview Abstract for Review Session to be Assigned Award
Free Paper Presentation Abstract under 600 words Abstracts will be reviewed and assigned to the Free Paper Session Presentation according to the review score. The best presentations will be awarded with prize money.

Free Video Session Presentation

Type Overview Abstract + Video (5 m’) for Review Session to be Assigned Award
Free Video Presentation with your Surgery Video done by Physician Abstract under 600 words + Video under 5 min. Abstracts will be reviewed and assigned to the Free Video Session Presentation according to the review score. The best videos will be awarded with prize money.

Abstract Submission Topics

Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Program Committee.

Abstract Submission Guidelines

1. Abstracts must be written and presented in English.

2. Title

  • Use a concise title that indicates the content of the abstract.
  • Titles should start with a capital letter and should not exceed 30 words.
  • Refrain from using abbreviations in the title.

3. Authors

  • Name and surname for each author must be provided. (Correct: John Smith / Incorrect: J. Smith)
  • Do not include degrees or titles.
  • The first author will be the presenting author. The first (presenting) author should register and attend the meeting.

4. Affiliations

  • Each author should be listed by institution, and country.

5. Content

  • Abstracts should not exceed 1,000 words. (Blank spaces included.)
  • Abstract Content (excluding title, authors, and institutions) should include the following headings: PURPOSE, METHODS, RESULTS, and CONCLUSIONS, with the exception of a case study.
  • Do not include graphs, tables, images, or references in the abstract.
  • Authors are required to complete a disclosure of financial interests.

6. Others

  • There is no limit on how many abstracts can be submitted by a single author.
  • A confirmation e-mail will be sent to the presenting author with Abstract ID and Password on receipt of your submission. If the presenting author does not receive the confirmation email within 24 hours, please contact KSCRS@kscrs.org / jyjomtl@naver.com.
  • A submitted abstract can be edited at any time up until the abstract submission deadline. Please click “Abstract Modification” menu and log in to make changes to the submitted abstract.
  • KSCRS holds the copyright to all the materials presented at the Meeting.

Notification of Acceptance

  • All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee according to standard review procedures.
  • Notification of acceptance will be sent by e-mail to corresponding, presenting and abstract submitting authors by June 14, 2024.

Withdrawal of Abstracts

  • If the presenting author of an accepted abstract does not register by the pre-registration date, the abstract will be automatically withdrawn from the final program.
  • If you would like to withdraw an abstract, please notify the KSCRS 2024 Secretariat in writing as soon as possible.


Program Book